Stop Into Hit Trophy Anytime…Just Not Quite So Literally!

This particular blog comes to you in our efforts to keep everyone up to date on the latest happenings around here at Hit Trophy despite the fact that it really has nothing to do with what we do or our products. We at Hit Trophy pride ourselves on our reputation and rating for not only having great quality but also quick convenient service, so much so that it is joked amongst staff here that we might as well open a “drive through.” Who knew that this inside joke would one day actually transpire as one questionable character literally “drove through” our business. On July 17th of this year, an individual whom shall remain nameless, chose to partake of a particular substance, get behind the wheel of a stolen car no less, and lead the police on a dangerously high speed chase for nearly 40 minutes. The hot pursuit started in Fayette, continued through Pettisville, and finally into Archbold where the chase came to a smashing halt through the side of Hit Trophy and into our storage room.

According to reports it took 4 spike strips strategically placed in the path of the stolen vehicle to slow the reckless driver down enough for an officer to use his patrol car to nudge the vehicle which spun him out of control and into Hit Trophy. It was reported that the officer noticed the driver becoming gradually more reckless and an increasing danger to other drivers so he took this precise moment to act; ultimately ending the chase. Everyone involved was okay and there were no serious injuries, but the driver was taken to FCHC overnight for observation and eventually taken away to CCNO to await further sentencing. Thankfully this accident happened at the location of our building that it did and at the time it did. The car crashed through our storage room that was filled with nothing but stacked cardboard shipping boxes and it occurred after closing time, so no one was inside. Although there was minimal damage to the inside of Hit Trophy, outside damage repairs were over $3500. Business was able to carry on as usual the very next day; however, had the car crashed into our business 10 feet to the east it would have knocked out our power for what could have been days.

We love being in the business of recognizing and rewarding the deserving heroes and champions that we encounter in our daily lives. It is people like the policemen involved with this situation whose quick actions kept this from becoming a much worse outcome than it could have been, even if Hit Trophy did have to take an unavoidable hit to stop what should have been a completely avoidable event in the first place. Though the 10 foot hole in our building did bring the attention and interest of crowds and onlookers, this is obviously not the way Hit Trophy likes to make the news. The damage to the side of Hit Trophy aka “our temporary drive through” has long been repaired and business has remained busy, productive, and free of unnecessary mayhem.