While we’ve taken most of the summer off from posting new articles on our blog, that doesn’t mean that we haven’t been working hard at Hit Trophy and HitTrophy.com to make our customer’s experience easier and more enjoyable. Since we’ve posted last there have been many updates made to our website and to our social media outlets as well. Today I’m going to elaborate on Hit Trophy giving everyone a chance to “Check In” when they visit our brick and mortar store located in Archbold, Ohio.

If you own a Smart Phone or a mobile phone with internet access, then you can now “Check In” at the Hit Trophy Facebook Page. What exactly does the term Check In mean? Checking In means that you are notifying your Facebook Friends that you are at Hit Trophy. You can even elaborate on your Check In by letting your friends know what you’re actually doing at Hit Trophy. You could say, “Picking up awards for my tournament” and then Facebook would fill in the rest with “at Hit Trophy.” This is not only a great way to help us out, but you can also do some marketing for your tournament, event or awards ceremony as well.

So for all you “techies” out there who will order awards and trophies from us in the future, we ask that you please Check In when you visit our local store in Archbold, Ohio. In the near future we hope to be able to give our customers discounts for them Checking In at our store. We thank you in advance for your participation in this new social media aspect that we’ve added to Hit Trophy’s Facebook fan page.