A tablet of paper reading, "New Years Resolutions" with a pen below. The tablet is on a wooden desk with items such as glasses, clock, calculator & tablet around it.

What Are Your New Year’s Resolutions?

Welcome to 2018! It’s a new year, and most of us have probably set goals for ourselves. In fact, according to a poll conducted by YouGov, 68 percent of the poll’s participants made at least one resolution for the year 2018.

Top Nine Resolutions for People across the World

Statista.com recently reported the results of this poll which charted the most popular goals. Nearly 1,200 people from around the world participated in the YouGov survey from Dec. 8 through Dec. 11. Participants could select more than one resolution they planned on making for the New Year, and a three-way tie occurred at the top of the list: eat healthier, get more exercise, and save more money. In descending order, the other goals of the survey’s contributors included focusing on self-care (getting more sleep, etc.), reading more, making new friends, learning a new skill, getting a new job, and taking up a new hobby.

Billionaire Richard Branson’s Tips for keeping New Year’s Resolutions

Making those resolutions is the easy part. The hard part is sticking to your goals throughout the year. To keep New Year’s resolutions in 2018, billionaire Richard Branson, founder of the Virgin Group, has a few tips to help you.

CNBC.com reports Branson recently revealed his tips for achieving goals in a recent blog post. The most powerful technique he has used throughout his whole life is quite simple: write down your goals.

“It’s time to get your New Year’s resolutions down on paper. The simple act of writing it down will help you stick to it,” Branson wrote. “Share your goals with your family and friends but ultimately it’s down to you to make your resolution happen in 2018.” Branson claims it doesn’t matter if you jot down the goals in your cell phone or write them down on paper. “If you have a record of it, you’re more likely to make it happen.”

Sir. Richard Branson & Mayor Megan Barry, the Mayor of Nashville. They're standing next to each other wearing red hard hats & holding shovels that are in the dirt as they're at a ground breaking ceremony for Virgin Hotels.

Sir. Richard Branson & Mayor Megan Barry of Nashville at a groundbreaking ceremony for a new Virgin Hotel

He also suggests you should form both short-term and long-term goals so you can feel a sense of accomplishment along the way. “If you set daily goals and work through your list every day, you can mark off every completed task with a satisfying tick,” Branson said. That “satisfying tick” is one way Branson recommends that you “celebrate all the little wins” to keep your momentum of moving forward.

‘Don’t Be Afraid to Dream Big in 2018’

Knighted by England’s Prince Charles in March 2000, Sir Branson believes dreaming should be part of everyone’s life. “We should all dream, share our dreams, then go out and make them happen.” Branson believes the act of recording his goals, developing short-term and long-term goals, and scratching the goals off his list as he accomplishes them has made him the success he is today. Currently, he owns The Virgin Group which controls over 400 businesses.

Hit Trophy Can Help You Rejoice in Completing New Year’s Resolutions

Whether you plan to exercise more this year or to hold a groundbreaking ceremony on a new business venture, it is important to have ambitions. We at Hit Trophy recognize the importance of goals, and we offer many gifts, awards, and trophies to celebrate the accomplishment of a person’s goals.

Our Groundbreaking Ceremony Plaque made with a solid American walnut board with heavy die cast shovel

Our Groundbreaking Ceremony Plaque PC532E featuring a heavy die cast shovel & engraving plate.

Take for example our Groundbreaking Ceremony Plaque, item #PC532E. This remarkable accolade would make the ideal way to commemorate the start of a new building or to observe the completion of any major construction project. The plaque has a 9” x 12” mounting board of golden American walnut. The board has rounded edges, and it displays a decorative heavy die cast shovel. Underneath the shovel, a black brass engraving plate trimmed in gold provides a place to personalize the award. Our graphic artists will engrave up to four lines of text. Give us the name of the new building, the date, or any sponsors of the project and our design team will create a gorgeous engraving plate. All engraving is free. Celebrate the achievement of your construction goals this year with our Groundbreaking Ceremony Plaque.

While our Groundbreaking Ceremony Plaque is an outstanding piece, maybe it’s just not the right one for you or your event. If that’s the case, then never fear as we have hundreds of different types of plaques to choose from. One of those plaques that we’d like to talk about is our Key to the City plaque. While the groundbreaking plaque is used at those events for government, business and other organizations creating new buildings & jobs, our Key to the City Plaque is used to commemorate famous people, wealthy donors or local heroes who have helped the city prosper in one way or another. The Key to the City Plaque is similar in the fact that it’s made with the same solid walnut board and features a heavy die cast key, signifying that it’s recipient has the “key to the city.” Below is a black & gold engraving plate that can be personalized for the beneficiary of the award. In the chance that neither of those two plaque are the ones for you, then be sure to browse our complete line of walnut plaques if you love the look of traditional walnut wood. If walnut just isn’t your thing, then sift through the rest of our collection of engraving plaques that we have to offer!

All of us at Hit Trophy hope you realize all of your New Year’s resolutions. Have a happy and successful 2018!