For the environmentally conscious people in this world, one of the most celebrated days out of the year is April 22nd.  On that day America celebrates Earth Day which is a day that raises awareness for everyone to conserve their energy in a hope to save the planet.  The awards industry has slowly worked their products into becoming more “green” friendly and below are a few examples.

The first “green” products that we added to were our Genuine Bamboo Plaques.  Bamboo is a renewable resource so that makes it a perfect alternative to regular wood plaques such as walnut, rosewood and oak plaques.  To keep them 100% green we don’t add metal engraving plates to them, but rather we just laser engrave your text & logos directly into the bamboo plaque.  These green plaques are perfect recognition awards for any environmentally conscious organization or company. 

Another green friendly product that we offer at Hit Trophy is our WBX31 Bamboo Single Wine Box with Tools.  Again, this item is made from Bamboo which makes it an alternative to other wine boxes that are made from slower growing woods such as walnut or rosewood.  It comes with 4 tools to help you manage your wine bottles and it is lined with black velvet to ensure that your wine bottle doesn’t get scratched or damaged.  To keep with the green theme we don’t add an engraving plate to this bamboo wine box, but rather we laser engrave your information directly into the top of the wine box.

Those are two quick examples of green alternative items that we currently offer at and more will surely be on the way.  When new green products arrive at you can be sure that we’ll write about them here, so be sure to stay up to date with our Hit Topics Blog!