As an administrator and educator, you are constantly watching for ways to reward students and instructors for their academic successes. Quiz team members, academic award winners, valedictorians and salutatorians, they all deserve a monumental tribute to celebrate their achievements. We suggest using a time tested method to honor those achievers: a scroll! But the scrolls we have in mind are not made of papyrus, parchment, or paper. All of our scrolls have a contemporary twist.

Glass Scroll Awards

Glass Scroll Award

Take for instance our Glass Scroll Award. This scroll is created from crystal clear glass and it has scalloped edges. The “S” shaped glass resembles an unfurled scroll, and it rests on a glass black base. The clear face of this awesome award provides plenty of space for graphics of all types such as school mascots, graduation caps, and more. The images that appear on your award are only limited by your imagination. Thanks to our computerized engravers, we can replicate any school related pictures on to the glass with laser precision. Plus, our design department will include up to six lines of text so you have plenty of space for the recipient’s name, a date, the reason for the award and more. No matter how much we engrave, there is no additional charge for engraving the great gift. This contemporary scroll comes in a variety of sizes including a 5″ x 7.5″ version (FC31), a 5.5″ x 8.25” version (FC32), and a 6.75″ x 9.5” version (FC33). Prices start at $25.90.

Scroll Plaques

Rosewood Scroll Plaque

We also offer four other awards which each put a modern spin on the traditional scroll. All four of these awards use luxurious woods to exhibit the attached scrolls, and they are larger and more exclusively priced but well worth the additional cost. Items P1433 and P5049 feature rich walnut plaques carved into unique shapes. Both display antique bronze casted scrolls with black and gold engraving plates and bronze casted laurel leaves in the background. Next we have two grand plaques which use rosewood accents. Items P3975 and P3624 have antique bronze finished scroll castings, but plaque P3624 has a scroll resting on a piano finished rosewood plank while our P3975 plaque has a scroll resting on a gold metal background surrounded by a rosewood frame. All four of these magnificent plaques with scrolls come with free engraving, and our talented graphics arts department is sure to create a design to please you and the lucky recipient. Plus, if you order two or more of these items, we will give you free shipping as well. Sizes range from 11” x 15” to 14” x 17”, and prices start at $89.90.

Spelling Bees, Science Fairs, and so many other events occur throughout an academic year, and many of those events reward success with a presentation of an accolade. Whether you are looking for awards to mark specific achievements or to show the culmination of a successful year, we believe one of these five modern scrolls is sure to fit your needs. Let us help you fulfill your award needs today!